Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer months

Okay here comes the fun no more locked up in the house and the kids crazy. Okay just kidding its been nice for awhile. But now its summer and it never fails we wil lbe very busy.

Guy is busy as can be with work its a/c season so he will be working alot of hours as of today he has already put in 43 hours and he still has a day left.

Blake and Aiden are in T-Ball so our saturdays are pretty booked. Their first game was last saturday.

Blake did great despite some virus that he has which caused soem canker sores all over in his throat. But he hit the ball well and even did good in outfield. He pratices for an hour every tuesday night.

Aiden was a champ I didnt think he would even get it but this kid figured out easily how to run the bases and hit the ball. Of course taking his turn at batting was the most fun for him. The only bad part is that its so hot and some of their games will be during the hottest times of the day.

Now that summer is here we will be busy most of the time and the boys love camping so Im sure we will try to sneak away for a few days here and there to soak up some sun.

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